How Bangladesh Has Transformed in the Last 5 years

In the past five years, Bangladesh has changed dramatically. The nation has advanced economically and politically. This blog article discusses Bangladesh’s key changes and how Bangladesh has transformed during the past five years.


Bangladesh’s economy is booming. Bangladesh had one of the world’s fastest-growing economies from 2015 to 2020, according to the World Bank. Exports, manufacturing, and a burgeoning middle class have contributed to this prosperity.

Bangladesh’s clothing industry drives economic growth. 84% of the country’s exports are clothes, making it the world’s second-largest apparel exporter. New roads, bridges, and power plants have also boosted economic progress in Bangladesh.


Political stability has improved in Bangladesh. In the last five years, political stability has returned to the country. Awami League, in power since 2009, was re-elected in 2014 and 2018. The Honorable Prime Minister has always been promoting economic growth and poverty reduction.

Poverty reduction is one of the government’s biggest accomplishments. Bangladesh’s poverty rate dropped from 31.5% in 2010 to 20.5% in 2020, per the World Bank. Cash transfers, food aid, education and health care subsidies, and other social safety net programs help the poor and disadvantaged.

Social Change

Bangladesh has also developed socially. Recent health and education gains have been remarkable. Bangladesh’s under-5 mortality rate dropped from 72 per 1,000 live births in 2010 to 32 per 1,000 in 2020, according to the WHO. In 2020, the maternal mortality ratio was 173 per 100,000 live births, down from 194 in 2010.

Bangladesh has improved basic and secondary education. UNESCO said that primary school net enrolment rose from 80% in 2010 to 98% in 2020. The government also distributes free textbooks and builds new schools to improve education.

In conclusion, Bangladesh has seen outstanding economic growth, political stability, and social improvement in the previous five years. While obstacles continue, the country’s growth in recent years is a credit to its people and leadership’s resolve and hard work. Bangladesh may continue to lead development in South Asia and beyond.

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